.Ava Jones
Halloween-Themed Spider Sensory Bin
When it comes to Halloween on thing often associated with the holiday are cobwebs and spiders like the kind you find in spooky haunted houses!
Real-life spiders can be quite scary, so thankfully this spider sensory bin from Lightbridge Academy of Mahwah, NJ (that perfectly fits the theme of Halloween) does not use real spiders or actual webs! It is sure to bring some creepy fun to you classroom and you can read on for the directions about how to make one!
Lightbridge Academy of Mahwah, NJ
How to Make Your Own Spider Sensory Bin
Either buy some fake spider web at a store or if you need to you can take a large piece of cotton and stretch it way far out so it looks like spider webs.
"Hook," your fake web or cotton over the edge of the bin so that it stays in place.
Now add some toy spiders--they can be little plastic ones or larger and more real-looking, do what is appropriate to interest but not scare your students.
To expand on the Halloween theme you can add other spooky things like fake eyeballs, squeeze-pouches, and anything else that make an exciting addition to the sensory bin!

Click Here for Even More Halloween Activity and Craft Ideas