Laura Sims
I am new here! Excited to see what there is!
Thanks for allowing me to participate! I am very excited to see what you have to offer! I don't have any materials that I have created myself to add, but when I do I can't wait to add them!
I am a Homebound Instructor with my school district. I work with kids K-12+ who are too medically fragile to be in the brick and mortar school, so I work with them in their homes. I know for a while everyone was working from home "virtually" - during that time I did not go into students' homes, but instead worked with them virtually as well using zoom. It is amazing what creative ways we learned to work with our students on the fly in such troubling times. Now that we're back to in-person instruction, I am realizing how much I missed seeing the students.
At this time students I work with are elementary and middle school students; however, I have worked with high school students in the past. I love my job and have been doing this for over 13 years!