elizabeth moreno
lesson plans for toddlers
How do you introduce a toddler to counting?
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One way to start is to tell your child how old he is while holding up the correct number of fingers. Then ask him to do the same. If your child is not ready to model this behavior, simply continue to occasionally show him. Eventually, he will hold up the correct number of fingers.
How do you introduce a toddler to counting?
Image result for counting lesson plans for toddlers
One way to start is to tell your child how old he is while holding up the correct number of fingers. Then ask him to do the same. If your child is not ready to model this behavior, simply continue to occasionally show him. Eventually, he will hold up the correct number of fingers.
Teach counting on from a given number by repetition in fun contexts. Games and activities are used to get children to focus. Use puppets, props and exciting resources to get them chanting from different numbers. Lots of modelling from an adult is required.