Bethanny Homes
Letter and Number Matching Tube
Materials Needed:
Paper towel Roll
Round Pricing Stickers
Write the same numbers and letters both on the roll and round stickers. This is a great way to practice the letters and numbers that your child already knows or introduce new ones. Have your child look at the numbers/ letters on the stickers and on the roll. Have them use their fine motor skills to peel and stick the correct sticker on top of the one corresponding to the roll. This activity helps to develop both Math and Literacy skills by identifying the printed material. This was an activity that was really enjoyed by my children and helped them to prepare for school come September. I liked it cause I did not have to go out and purchase a bunch of materials and it was a good way to use up the paper towel rolls before placing them in the recycle.
To expand or add to this activity you could read the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.