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Dental Hygiene Project
Tooth B. U. D. D. S. mission is to ensure that no child turns to drugs because of a toothache by bringing preventive dental care to children at the convenience of their school or daycare...
August 24, 2022
MiQuel McRae

Our Learning Journey
I want to share how I did "Our Learning Journey" last school year. The theme and display that I made was a railroad track to relate with the writing journey of my students and to prove...
August 24, 2022

Shaving cream paint
Supplies You Will Need: * aluminium bowls * Shaving Cream * Food Coloring * Brush * Paper Start off by spraying some shaving cream in each spot of the muffin tin. Next add your food coloring...
August 24, 2022

Preschool Hallway Fun
Help preschoolers learn to walk in the hallway by keeping it fun! It is difficult for young children to walk in a straight line quietly. Giving them a task to do while travelling through the hallway will make it fun, keep them busy and potentially avoid behaviors, and helps them follow...
August 24, 2022
Hannah Weber

Tyrannosaurus Rex Footprint
This is a fun activity for Preschool kiddos! If you have a dinosaur unit your kids will love this! I don't know about you guys but my two and three years olds love to take off there shoes...
August 24, 2022

Crafty handmade cactus
Fold a piece of green card stock in half and trace your child’s left hand on it, with the pinky side on the fold line. Cut the handprint out, making sure to leave the entire left side of the handprint uncut. This will be the fold line for the card. Use the black marker to make spines all over...
August 23, 2022

Observation vs. Inference
This is a document used for a notebook before doing the activity of finding observations around the room and making inferences about the teacher. For example, the student will notice a picture of me with a dog and make the inference that I have a pet dog. They should notice other things in the...
August 23, 2022

Third person singular Worksheet
Name: _________________________________ The third-person singular verb ending is the suffix -s or -es that's conventionally added to the base form of a verb in the present tense when it follows a singular subject in the third person Most verbs in English form the third-person singular by...
August 19, 2022
Ilse Perez

Őszi dekorációk az óvodai csoportban
Őszi dekorációt készítettünk az óvodában a gyerekekkel. Barna csomagolópapírból és az összegyűjtött színes falevelekből ragasztással. Az A3 méretű csomagolópapírt...
August 19, 2022
Mia Lipa

All about Fossils / How to make fossils
In our class, we learn so much about dinosaurs and other extinct creatures Animals long ago: Earth's mammals lived long, long ago. Like mammals today, they had hair or fur. Most of them gave...
August 18, 2022
kiki lane

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