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Name Train - Learning the Letters That Make Up Our Name
During All about me week, we learn about the letters that make up our name. I precut the engine train car ( with my Cricut at home) and enough colorful rectangles for each child’s name. We...
September 18, 2022
Melissa Graz

Balancing Stick
Our school has this exploration time every Fridays where the children will experiment and explore things that are new to them. With this activity, I made an introduction about gravity...
September 18, 2022

trabajando el nombre
trabajar el nombre en la escuela es una de las principales actividades ya que te permite saber cuantos alumnos ya reconocer su nombre y lo saben escribir, mas que nada para reconocer sus...
September 17, 2022

Fingerprint Pot of gold
This is a fun St. Patricks Day activity that parents can also treasure because it uses the child's fingerprint. First I read a book to the kids about finding a pot of gold and what it...
September 16, 2022
Ashley Christiansen

Learning to use 'Paint'
My pupils are learning to use Paint. In our previous lesson we had learnt how to find and open the program and also how to change the colour of the marks we were making on the screen. I'd noticed than some pupils struggled to control the mouse accurately enough to be able to easily click on the...
September 15, 2022
Lynn Hastie

Animal activity for kids
This is an activity for kids that make student learn more about animals. There are three type of file that you can applies with your students in you classroom. The activity helps students...
September 15, 2022

Behavior Plan - Pre-Kindergarten
I developed this for one of my previous students. It works well with a dabber and my student responded well with it. I have it based on schedule and I have one based on identified behaviors....
September 15, 2022
Casey Obringer

Magic flowers…… watch the magic flower bloom right before your eye
Hi I am an early child hood educator and love sharing ideas I find with other educators, I thought this could be useful for pre kindergarten + age groups. I recently made flowers that open up when folded and placed in water my 3-4 yr olds absolutely loved it. You need a basic flower shape 4-6...
September 14, 2022
Jaime Bowler

Color tongs, Mushroom-shaped house
This is a color tongs. I put red, orange, yellow, green, and blue on the tongs in a circle. You can make tongs of various colors and teach children how to recognize colors. You can...
September 13, 2022
Hyunjung Kim

Dinosaur feet from facial tissue boxes and cereal carton
This is an easy and quick craft. And perfect for any age. This is perfect for when you are looking for something that is not time consuming especially when time is not on your side. We made these dino feet using old facial tissue boxes and cereal boxes. I did pre cut the toes and gave them...
September 13, 2022

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