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Kids created an erupting volcano with lemons and baking soda in this fun science experiment! Did you know lemon juice contain
For our English class, the kids learned some personality adjectives like lazy, cute, quiet and friendly and they used it to describe the pets. Well done, kids! Kids created an erupting...
October 6, 2022

Popsicle stick barn
Great activity for 3-5 year olds to learn about life on a farm. Use along with other crafts like torn paper pigs, paper plate cow masks, or games like pin the tail on the donkey. You will...
October 6, 2022
Meredith Manning

Random acts of kindness
Book tasting! This is an activity that I modified from a Teachers Pay Teachers. We "tasted books! " We took turns sharing books in different genres with each other. I decorated my room like a...
October 5, 2022

finger painting is fun painting
finger painting is a great way to reinforce kids' gross motor skills and encourage creativity. we are dealing with farm animals right now and they love to use watercolours to paint different worksheets. I always let them choose colours but from time to time is good to give them some directions...
October 4, 2022
Maria Luciana G

The inside out(Feelings and emotions)
S September is the month when people celebrate Moon Festival in Taiwan. People can feel the glee of festival. It’s also the start of Autumn. It’s the season when people start to...
October 4, 2022
Una Yang

Fall Sensory Table
A Fall sensory table has been a big hit in the classroom. It has bird seed, walnuts, acorns, maple seeds, pine cones and artificial leaves, indian corn, mini apples and mini...
October 2, 2022
Teresa Showalter

A is for Alligator
It's been fun learning phonics with my learners with special needs. Most especially, that we integrate not just sounds but the visual way of learning through pictures, cutting concrete examples...
October 2, 2022
Nikki C

Numbers and different kinds of trasnportation
In this photo the you can see a new kind of work about how to work the transportations and a new way to work numbers with toddlers. ​Many people live without the basic necessities of...
October 2, 2022
juliana campos

Apple Life Cycle
For our first week of school our theme was apples so for science I created the apple life cycle from felt which is great for hands on. We read Seed to Apple by Jodie Shepherd ( however this is...
October 1, 2022
Claudia Alvarado

Dando significado aos sentimentos através da pintura
Foi realizada uma oficina de criatividade, em grupo, com participantes da terceira idade. Os materiais utilizados foram: toalhas de pano com moldura, pinceis de diversos tamanhos,...
September 30, 2022

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