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Brincadeira de bola com bebê
Brincadeiras com bola proporciona á criança diversos ganhos, e com os bebês não é diferente. O brincar é importante para o desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo dos bebês e crianças,...
September 29, 2022

Essential agreements
According to IB program, each class agrees agreements - classroom rules. Essential agreements usually made by learners with the teachers` guide and help. For early learners ( kindergarten and pre-school) there are lots of fun ways to make essential agreements, such as making a big tree and...
September 26, 2022

Service Workers
I’m the lead teacher for our Mother’s Morning Out program at Cornerstone Church in Maiden, NC. We spent the week studying community helpers, what they do, and why they are important to us! At the end of the week we had volunteers from the fire department, police department, and the post...
September 26, 2022
Lekisha Curtis

If you cooked a favorite dish, what would you make ?
To think what you would make Hello I live in Japan. I have been teaching Japanese children English. I have been looking for some materials that Japanese children will motivate to learn...
September 24, 2022
Urara Ichihara

The benefits of teaching young children about recycling
Recycling is an earth-friendly chore, but your toddler won't understand the concept yet. However, you can introduce the idea by involving him in actions to recycle or reuse materials at home. Involving your child in recycling will help them learn about environmental responsibility. And for the...
September 22, 2022

Life cycle of a pumpkin
We did an experiment last fall and placed a small pumpkin in a container. The seedlings found a pumpkin that would fit inside our container. We filled it with some soil, added the pumpkin, and...
September 22, 2022
Sara Fink

Matching Body parts
Media you see following I brought from facebook It is a simple medium for teaching elementary school children. Train children to notice pictures and different parts of the body....
September 21, 2022

Pizza Sequencing Activity w/ Felt Pizzas
In my preschool class for P week, we did a sequencing activity on how to properly assemble a pizza and discussed why the sequence is important. I had many 9” pizza pans that the kids got to...
September 20, 2022

Great Resources!!
I am looking for something simple for the Little’s but can be adapted to the bigger kids, you seem to have something for everyone! We are learning all about apples, size, color, texture, then moving on the the lifecycle. These worksheets are going to give me a great starting point and the...
September 20, 2022
Jessica Renz

Bug BINGO for preschoolers
Hello We are working on insects in English with my French preschoolers. I've made a bingo board with 6 different bingo sheets. It's quite simple. I distribute one different board to each child and then I put in a hat the different bugs that are on all the sheet. So make sure you print out...
September 20, 2022
alexandra deschamps

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