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Trabalhando com jogos lúdicos para estimular a coordenação motora global
Depois da Pandemia do Covid 19 as crianças ficaram em casa, longe de escolas, parques e brincadeiras ao ar livre. Isto prejudicou o desenvolvimento motor tão importante na...
June 23, 2022
Marlise Reis Matos

Coloring our own butterfly with different colors
Here were coloring butterfly with brushes and colors. This activity can promote hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Children love butterfly and they love making butterflies out of their favorite colors. Children had great fun choosing different colors and put colors in different...
June 22, 2022
Rachel Wang

Fine motor skills work
For the Sea Animals week I gave them this jelly fish ( which they ended up calling octopus) ; at first they couldn't figure out what to do with the rings and tentacles, so they only played with...
June 21, 2022
Yoatzin Sanchez Perez

Loose parts provocation - Ants Individual work
A provocation is an activity where the learners must use their imagination to create something. Our theme was "Ants" and decided to do this fun activity with them. You place small rocks...
June 21, 2022
Catholene Delport

Thanksgiving Activity!
Thankful Turkey is an activity that preschoolers and toddlers can do with supervision. The kids have fun doing it, they can talk about different colors, learn about a holiday, learn about the...
June 15, 2022
Sherry Murphrey

Underwater rangoli
https://youtu. be/UI60dSRovzg Hello everyone. In this video you will learn how to make an underwater rangoli. This is very easy to make, and looks very attractive. Materials...
June 14, 2022
Pragya dugar

Play and Learn! My dear students
My dear students learning numbers, they practice counting at classroom. Number 10, building a big tower and counting 1 to 10 Green color everywhere! Primary and Secondary...
June 14, 2022
Melanie Anne Osco Montoya

Patterns with colored foam squares
As an introduction to our unit on patterns I gave my students colored foam squares and asked them to create a pattern. I did not give any specific directions other than they...
June 14, 2022
Sherrie Shaver

Fishing Activity ( Eye-hand Coordination, Numeracy)
The concept of counting was introduced to the children through singing songs and fishing activities. The activity also fostered social interaction, eye-hand coordination as well as fine...
June 14, 2022
Lea Camille Castillo

Flashlight games for children 2-3 years old
Playing with light is the most accessible and most spectacular type of activity. This is real magic and magic for children. f you take a picture with painted grass, and put an insect behind...
June 13, 2022

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