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Playing game in the classroom
One of the best methods is teaching deductivey and you can do it through the games. There are many games to play in class and actually I like this one. Because students love it. In this game students should come to board and play the role of teacher. They know how to teach and I think it helps...
August 2, 2022
Setayesh jafari

Star Fish craft from ocean week
This is a glue and salt starfish craft we did in my Pre-K classroom over the summer. The texture of the craft gave the illusion of an actual starfish due to the rough texture of the salt and glue. What you will need: Salt Glue Thick paper ( salt makes this craft a little heavy) watercolor...
August 1, 2022
kelsey glenn

Making a rainbow bread
When the weather at my place is raining, then it's time to give them lesson about rainbow. So I give them experience to make their own breakfast and teach them about rainbow too. So...
July 30, 2022

Sensory play with colours
Kinder children enjoy exploring mixing colours with a sensory play activity mixing cornflour and water coloured with food colouring. This is a great activity to develop collaboration, to calm...
July 29, 2022

Hospital central
En nuestro proyecto sobre "Hospital central" hemos creado un rincón de juego dramático para comenzar la fase de motivación del nuevo proyecto, que es la actividad que os enseñamos. En esta...
July 23, 2022
Adriana Go

Pareamento de cores e formas
Confeccionei essa atividade, com materiais simples e recicláveis para brincar com minha filha quando ela tinha menos de dois anos. Usei uma caixa de ovos, restos de papeis e palitos de...
July 20, 2022
Debora Zaramela

Summer 2022 in my school
Rationale After having received this course with my Observation instructor, I have learned that Observation is an important part of the Montessori curriculum, because through Observation Parents and we as teachers and caregivers of children can understand the needs of each child. one of them ....
July 20, 2022
Vilma veronica castellon Contreras

Preschool Five Senses
The classroom is a preschool classroom for students with disabilities. This summer session we are working to learn our 5 senses the extended summer session is 6 weeks and by using the Five...
July 19, 2022
Jan Barone

Summer Family Gardening Series
we have started a great family gardening series focusing on Composting, Importance of Seeds, Eat a Rainbow, Amazing Succulents What’s Botany? , Fruit vsVegetables , Peacefulness and...
July 14, 2022
Gerryann Barros

Coordenação Motora Fina ( Treino de Recorte)
Atividade Realizada com o objetivo de usar a tesoura, assim trabalhando a coordenação motora fina. Antes de escrever, as crianças precisam aprender a utilizar a tesoura. A...
July 14, 2022
Amanda Silva Campos

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