Olivia Johnson
Phases of the Moon for First Grade
At Rollins Place Elementary School in Zachary, Louisiana, they had a lovely way of integrating reading, science, and art in first grade!
They discussed the phases of the moon and how depending upon where you are on Earth, the moon can sometimes look big and other times look just like a thin sliver.
The book, "Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me," was read to the class as well. A classic Eric Carle publication, it follows the story of someone who tries to use a ladder to get the moon--something students learned is not really possible--at least not with a regular ladder!
Moon Painting
Besides enjoying a book about the moon and learning the science of its phases, the first-grade kids learned about how they could make their paintings of the moon look like it had texture by adding flour to the paint and using sponges as their brush. Between the science, stories, and lessons about artwork it was a wonderful way to discuss the phases of the moon!

Rollins Place Elementary School
Zachary, Louisiana