Olivia Johnson
Preschool Bulletin Board Ideas
Sometimes you have lots of ideas for fun Bulletin Boards to do with your classroom and other times you might struggle to come-up with anything!
These Bulletin Boards from Sacred Heart Preschool in Cicero, NY, hopefully can help offer you some ideas to get your own creative juices flowing!
Rainbows and Colors
Incorporating a variety of colors and/or rainbows can be a great way to catch the eye of your preschool students.
Ocean and Fish
The ocean is full of interesting animals from sharks, to whales, and all kinds of fish. Making a bulletin board that looks like a fun scene from under-the-sea allows for all kinds of creativity and exotic swimming critters.

Students are always, "Good apples," and what better way to honor that then cute bulletin boards full of apples of different sizes and colors that both represent diversity and how, "Sweet," your preschoolers are?

The jungle has everything from monkeys to snakes, elephants and birds, plus of course exotic fruit like bananas! Having jungle-themed bulletin boards allows for exciting and wild animals little kids love to be featured and spark their imagination!