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Rainbow cloud with coloured strips of paper, ideal for the month of March

Nathalie Balduck
Rainbow cloud with coloured strips of paper, ideal for the month of March

Rainbow cloud with coloured strips of paper, ideal for the month of March

We made this for the month of March: rain and sun = rainbow. The children loved the activity and the parents were very excited to put them up.

I cut the clouds as the cardboard was thick. I also cut all the strips with the paper cutter. The children had to count the strips and stick them together.

I recommend sittingt with them for the first loop and show that the glue has to go at the END of the strip and when they stick the 2 ends together it has to be straight.

They cut the eyes and mouth themselves (I traced the shapes on black paper with a white pencil).

As you can see, the last 'ring' is stuck a bit differently, so it can be glued on the back of the cloud.

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Rainbow cloud with coloured strips of paper, ideal for the month of March
March 12, 2025
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