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Shapes and Colors Worksheets for Kindergarten Students

Shapes and Colors Worksheets for Kindergarten Students

Shapes and Colors Worksheets for Kindergarten

These free printable worksheets are great for Kindergarten students who are in the process of learning their shapes as well as how to count. They encourage the students to tally-up how many of each shape there is on a worksheet and all are black-and-white which makes them great fun to color!

Free printable Shape Worksheets

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Clown Shapes Worksheet

This worksheet has the students add-up how many squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles there are in the picture, writing the total. Then, they can color the clown!

Shape Graphing Worksheet

This tricky worksheet has a number of the shapes overlapping each other. Students need to carefully count how many there are total and then graph them at the bottom of the worksheet to illustrate what shape there is the most of and least of when it comes to the squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles.

Shape Coloring Worksheet

The purpose of this worksheet is for students to color the specific shapes their matching color. Circles need to be blue, squares should be red, triangles can be colored green, and rectangles shall be yellow. Once students have colored all the shapes within the big image appropriately they will have a beautiful and colorful abstract design!

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Shapes and Colors Worksheets for Kindergarten Students
November 16, 2019
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