The Best Fall Sensory Bins for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Fall is a fantastic time of year to check out a whole new palette of colors. We have deep red, orange, purple, and yellow hues every where you look. These colorful fall sensory bins capture the beauty of fall with hands-on sensory play and learning!
After reading a book about seasons, Toddlers at our school explored a sensory bin filled with colored leaves. Teachers encouraged them to say the color of each leaf as they pulled it from the bin.

Real-Life Fall Plants
At JUMP Preschool Inc. and Kindergarten in Spring Valley, California, they were excited to use a bin full of real-life plants often found in the fall. They found that after reading a book about seasons the toddlers at their school explored a sensory bin filled with leaves, pumpkin seeds, and rice. As the students took leaves out of the bin, "Teachers encouraged them to say the color."
Fall Pies
To celebrate a happy first day of Fall the kids at LoLo's Play-Place in Valrico, Florida, had a fun twist of their, "Fine Motor Skills Friday," activity. The preschoolers were able to play in sensory bins and, "Had a blast," with oats, apples, measuring cups, mini pie pans, and some leaves for good measure. There was cinnamon too just to make everything smell extra-good and appeal to the students' sense of smell. It was great fun pretending to make pies!
Acorns and Leaves
If your class doesn't want to use pumpkins or apples you can make a sensory bin simply from acorns and leaves from outside as the season changes. Sonshine Friends Preschool in Liberty Hill, Texas, loved exploring their sensory bin made out of these outdoor attractions!
Paper Leaves
If you are worried about your preschool or kindergarten students eating real-life things from nature you can always make a sensory bin that is full of, "Leaves," made out of construction paper. Lightbridge Academy found in Freehold, New Jersey, did just that and everyone was, "So excited that fall is here!"
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