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The Mitten by Jan Brett

Virginia Kelley
The Mitten by Jan Brett

I actually crocheted a very large mitten so that my students could climb inside like the animals in the story. They love it! I use it every year and share it with the other teachers and it's always a big hit! I always read it through one time first and then the second time I ask for volunteers to be the animals. Some kids are shy and will not want to be the first one to try this. As I read the story each animal (child) climbs into the mitten and they have to make room for each other just like in the story. The mitten does get stretched a bit and when the bear sneezes they all quickly climb out and I throw the mitten in the air. I made a smaller mitten too for the page with the Grandma and the 2 mittens at the end of the book. I have no pattern, I just tried to make it about the size of an afghan. If I was going to make another one I would make it wider and not so deep. With a lot of depth and not much width the first few students who go in will probably have to go all the way in so that the other students can get in. I used a double stitch so the stitches aren't tight and can be easily seen through, so the students who wind up in the back are not scared.

The Mitten by Jan Brett
The Mitten by Jan Brett
February 15, 2021
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