Two Zoom-Themed Worksheets to Do With Your Child
These two worksheets are themed for the popular teleconferencing software known as Zoom. You can do them with your child as a fun activity!
Who is Calling?
A monkey named Elizabeth is making a Zoom call, and there is a printable with the screen and printables with pieces that can be cut-up and then placed like puzzle pieces where they belong on the Zoom screen. There are versions in both color and black-and-white so your children can color-in the activity as well if they desire!
People, Animals, Birds
This activity simulates a Zoom call that has a clear pattern where people are on one level, general animals on another, and birds on the last one. There are three squares that also feature a person, animal, and bird which need to be cut out and then glued in the appropriate row. This activity also is in both color and black-and-white so that it can be colored too!
How to Download the Files
This entire file package can be downloaded completely for free. Just click here for details.
Also, you can purchase the sheets at this website