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Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 29

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Lego Block Matching Game At BrightPath Kids they designed a fun Lego block matching game where the children found the correct Legos seen in a picture and stacked them so they matched the drawn image! How to do the Lego block matching game To do this...

"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom," Activities At Four Leaf Clover Preschool they read the enjoyable book, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, " which is all about the letters of the alphabet. After enjoying the book they did two activities related to it that were great fun! Letter...

Colorful Ant Matching Printable Activity-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Guess that smell! Teacher collects and introduces food. - Cut the fruits in haft to release the smells. - Blindfold the kids. - Place each item in turn under her/his nose, telling the kid to have good smell. Can he or she identify...

Foot measurements Teacher introduces the concept of measuring. Comparing the length of things and modeling measuring with blocks. -Teacher asks each kid put one foot in the frame. Use the pencil to trace around their toes & foot ( basic...

Handprint Horses Activity This paint activity is great for toddlers who want to make a piece of art with their hands! It is a handprint horse and the children at Courtyard Early Learning Center had a lot of fun doing this! Materials needed to make...

Fruit Loops Stacking Activity At Children's Garden of Knowledge, they had a lot of fun! They did an activity that involved carefully stacking fruit loops by sliding them onto a dry piece of spaghetti! It was important to be gentle so they didn't accidentally...

Ant Life Cycle DIY Book and Worksheet-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Water Balloon Pinata Activity At ABC Preschool they did a fun water balloon pinata activity! They enjoyed smashing the water balloons open and getting wet! Materials needed for the water balloon activity You will need the following for this activity: ...

Toddler-Safe Sensory Bin Activity Idea At Early Explorers Preschool, they did a toddler-safe sensory bin! It was great fun and avoided any kind of choking hazards. Key Elements of a Toddler-Safe Sensory Bin To make your sensory bin specifically toddler-safe...

Cactus Making Craft for Children At Courtyard Early Learning Center they had so much fun doing a fun craft where they made a cactus out of construction paper and then used a fork to paint-on its pins! Materials needed for the craft To do your own cactus...

Indoor, "Snow," Sensory Bin for Kids In the middle of a hot Summer, there is something special about being able to play with snow! With that in mind, Four Leaf Clover Preschool was able to use an ice shredder to give their students indoor, "Snow, " to play with in...

Ant Counting and Matching Activity-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

F is For Farm Craft Activity At Michigan Tech Preschool Inc. the children learned about how F can stand for farm! They then made a craft where they took a barn and drew it full of farm animals that could be revealed with working doors! Materials needed for...

Sandpaper Starfish Craft At AppleTree Early Care and Preschool they had a theme for the week of, "Ocean wonders. " As a part of this theme they worked on fine motor skills and had a sensory experience by taking sandpaper shaped like starfishes and using...

Ant Counting and Matching Activity This activity features cards that show a certain number of ants on one card. This card then needs to be matched to the numeral indicating how many ants are pictured. This is a great activity for young children learning to count! ...

Worksheets with Fish-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Matching Fish With Other Items Activity-2 Simply click on the desired picture for it to open at full-size, then print it! You can use plain printing paper as well as the A3 format. Terms of use for this printable: You may not sell it. You may not redistribute it. You...

Outdoor Chalk and Shape Fun At Building Blocks Preschool and Child Development Center they had fun enjoying the Summer weather while playing with chalk! They worked to keep within the lines of the shapes of bricks and made beautiful colors. How to have...

Making Oobleck Activity for Kids At Early Learning Center Inc they made Oobleck and then played with it! This blend of cornstarch and water is fascinatingly gooey and fun. Materials needed to make Oobleck Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid. To make...

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