Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 8
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A fun game with popsicle sticks
Hi, dear teachers. My name is Gaby and I teach English to children and teens and today I want to share with you a speaking activity that I created inspired by the game: Bang! The game is like follows: Children have to choose a...
Pumpkin Life cycle and decomposition process
Hello! I am a microbiologist, who is very insistent on homeschooling our children. Obviously, science is going to be playing a huge role in their education! I wanted to do the life cycle for sure, but I also at the same...
It's World Smile Day
We celebrated the World smile day yesterday to our nursery . We decorated our Nursery and each classroom with yellow and smiley balloons to welcome the children with a beatiful smile. We, in our class we decided to have activity that...
Learning Letter /C/ for a Corn
Children love to make crafting . Now my children will be learning letter /c/ so i was thinking what they gonna do for today to make them busy and have fun doing there activity. I have a green and yellow coloured paper then i also have a...
Dr. Seuss Week!
We have a Dr. Seuss Week at my preschool and one of the crafts we love doing in my 2's room is handprint elephants from the movie Horton Hears A Who. After the student get there handprint on the paper, I draw in the flower and...
Apple seed counting
In our preschool apple unit one of the books we used was 10 Apples up on Top. Each student was given a pile of laminated apples. Using laminated apples and raisins each student first laid out 10 apples in a row. They were then given...
Découverte des Pommes
Pour notre matinée sur le thème des pommes nous avons d’abord placé des puzzles, des livres, des activités et des pommes sur une table, à hauteur des enfants, pour qu'ils puissent découvrir tout ça. Nous avons ensuite lu...
5살 3살아이들과 함께 할수 있는 미술활동이에요. 나이차이가 나는 아이들을이 동시에 어떤 활동을 해야할까 고민이 많은데요. 서로 할수있는 능력의 차이가 있어서에요. ...
Learning about the shops in the streets
Last year, my kindergarteners realized how many shops we could find in our streets! Most of the times we use to go to supermarkets where we find everything we need, but it's always positive to value what little stores nearby can...
Working in the farm!
Greetings! Today I want to throw up an activity that I had the opportunity to carry out some time ago and which I and the children really enjoyed. In order to carry it out you will need . Large cardboard boxes Painting ...
Nature objects self portrait
Portrait with nature items During September we have been working on recognizing parts of the face and names. Using different techniques: puzzle with the children’s picture, color on their photo with oil pastels, trace with markers, ...
Summer fun with water and bottles
Fun with bottles Children love to play with water and explore different tools that helps them to develop problem solving skills and fine motors while having fun it’s a plus. Summer time it’s perfect for this type of activities , ...
Play dough art with nature materials
The open ended activities are a great opportunity to develop language skills it’s relaxing and will allow children to develop creativity and imagination, it will also help to develop small muscles. We will provide children with...
Ścieżka senosryczna. Tydzień zabaw manipulacyjnych i sensorycznych
Ścieżka sensoryczna wykonana z opakowań po jajkach, folii, słomek do picia Ścieżkę można wykonać z gąbek do mycia, liści, patyków, korków, butelek plastikowych, folii. PLAN TYGODNIOWY SIERPIEŃ ...
Activity on typical dishes created with plasticine(edited)
In these last weeks we have begun to work with the issue of children around the world and we had to work with the typical dishes of some countries. To do it in a different and fun way, we decided to work with plasticine. ...
Learning about germs
Greetings! In the first days of the beginning of the pandemic, work at home on the issue of germs and the importance of frequent hand washing. Currently when we return to school we continue working on it. In order...
Poznajemy kształty PLAN TYGODNIOWY SIERPIEŃ Poznajemy kształty Dzień 1 Temat dnia: Poznajemy figury geometryczne Zajęcia dydaktyczne - dzieci dopasowują figury geometryczne ( kwadrat do kwadratu, trójkąt do trójkąta, koło do koła) ...
Three little pigs
Greetings Children love the story of the three little pigs, this activity is inspired by him. To carry it out you will need . A hair dryer, wooden sticks, Lego blocks, and pieces of straw. If you have other materials...
Made car with recycle things
Hello to all my dear friends, today I want to talk to them about using recycled materials and making handicrafts. I asked my students to make a car by using recycled items like plastic bottles and paper bags of milk and...
Healthy choices
Greetings! We know how difficult it can be for our children to choose healthy foods and have an interest in brushing their teeth. A few days ago we had the opportunity to carry out the activity that I present here. We first had...
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