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Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 7

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Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Activity At Bright Horizons at Corporate Woods, they learned about, "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, " via a fun song and using a neat model the teachers set up--a model which the students helped put a face upon. It was good fun! ...

Street training, learning the police station and its emergency number, learning the fire station and its number ‌ Street training, learning the police station and its emergency number, learning the fire station and its number, learning the hospital and its emergency number, parking, gas station, traffic lights, traffic signs...

Folded bird tail fan We followed this fantastic tutorial to make folded bird fans in a small group of children aged 5-6 for an art challenge. We asked the children to think about how the patterns they drew on the paper might change once the paper was...

Learning about the Letter W In my classroom my students learn about the alphabet, but they also learn words that begin with the letter. We focus on the sound of the letter, and where it falls in the alphabet as well. Once we learn new words that begin with that...

Halloween Bat Craft Hello, everyone! I'm an English teacher in Brazil, and today I would like to share a craft I did with my 8-year-old students on Halloween. Well, Halloween is not actually a part of our culture, but since they learn English...

3 little pigs CRAFT STORYTELLING: I read the "Three little pigs" story along with my students and throughout the story they had to act some lines. In the end of the story, I challenged them to build a house which was supposed to be strong enough to remain...

Preschool winter book crafts I care for a 3 and 4 year old who’s health require no in person school this year. We do a book each day with learning activities related to it and often a craft to finish up. I normally use supplies I have laying around the house. My...

Pumpkin Jack book and life cycle experiment We read the book Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell to our Pre-K class the week before Halloween and then started our own pumpkin experiment. We carved a bat shape into the pumpkin leaving all of the seeds and filling. We put the pumpkin into...

Christmas cake 크리스마스 집모양 케이크 안녕하세요, 크리스마스에 아이들과 함께 할 특별한 계획을 찾고계신가요? Hello, are you looking for a something special plan for kids? 이 것은 크리스마스를 위한...

Jar sorting colors with pre-school This activity with my pre-kindergarten was totally amazing! I used printable jar that I found in pinterest and print it out the different images with colors. Then my kids sort out the colors one by one and it was fun and we...

크리스마스 트리 만들기 다가오는 크리스마스를 맞이하여 교실 벽면에 크리스마스 트리를 만들었어요. 특별한 재료 없이도 교실 분위기를 살릴 수 있는 아주 간단한 크리스마스 트리 만들기 활동입니다! ...

Celebrating Halloween The incredible celebration started with a witch hunt. The witches were flying all around the room ( the teacher's hid the images of the witch using the Halloween decorations , for example, under the table, inside a pumpkin, ...

RENKLİ KODLAMA ETKİNLİĞİMİZ Etkinliğimizin amacı: öğrencilerimizde engelliler için farkındalık oluşturmaktır. Araç gereçler: Kare boyama için hazırlanmış A4 kağıdı( her öğrenci için birer adet) Boya kalemleri ( Kuru, pastel veya...

Fun with garden fairies Greetings! To carry out this activity you will need the following: Flower petals of different colors. Leaves. Tree branches wooden sticks. Stones ( optional) Snails ( optional) Seeds ( optional) Wiggles eyes...

Stone Soup Thanksgiving activity I have done this in the past leading up to the Thanksgiving break to incorporate sharing. I read a few Thanksgiving books prior and then I have students bring the items for the soup except the meat I usually cook ahead of time at home in...

Stacking Apples Challenge Kindergarten I filled balloons with rice to represent apples. I used red, green and yellow colours. ( You can use other fillers such as flour, salt, even beans, and lentils, whatever is available . Read the book:...

Circulo-Cuadrado Empecé el trabajo con las figuras geométricas las semanas pasadas y he estado trabajando con ellos el tema de diferentes maneras: Identificación, rompecabezas, conteo de acciones que impliquen movimiento cómo aplaudir, blincar, ...

The dot Peter H Reynolds Hello everyone , This school year I started with this amazing tale by Peter Reynolds. First I read the story in class we edited it and then we started creating Τhrough it we created wonderful creations by four year old...

Apple Pie Time! We have been learning all about apples. We started out our unit with apple tasting. We had slices of red, yellow, and green apples for the children to taste. After tasting each variety, the children filled out a simple sheet with a...

Păpădie colorată Astăzi am făcut împreună cu piticii o păpădie colorată după bunul lor plac. Pentru aceasta activitate am folosit următoarele materiale: - o imagine alb-negru cu o păpădie - bețișoare de urechi - acuarele. Copiii au...

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