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Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 9

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Create Mud Tacos This week working educational activities at home we carried out an activity using natural elements. We started by reading the book Mud Tacos by Mario Lopez. When we finished reading the story, we went outside to look for...

Old McDonald Had a Farm Paper plate farm animals. We made a farm animal each day and string them all up from the red barn. Materials needed: Paper plates Paint and brushes glue Scissors Wiggle eyes Marker ( black) cotton balls ( white) ...

Kindness theme week For this week the daycare kids and I talked about different ways to be kind. We read books, sang songs ( favorite was "sparkle" by the learning station) and did some various activities. I set up a kindness chart so whenever a...

Text Study Craft Our Year One students love our storytime text studies. Each week we choose a different story and in Literacy use the stories as a springboard to writing and teaching grammar such as the nouns verbs and adjectives. We also link other key...

The very hungry caterpillar Meu alunos elaboraram um livrão e um varal com a historinha. Ilustrando toda a história. Eles amaram as novidades e adoraram ouvir e produzir cada passo da caterpillar. Com isso podemos aprender sobre os dias da semana , como...

Summer crafts: one day at the beach! Here in sunny Greece, one of our favourite subjects that we work every year with our children in our classroom is summer! In my classroom , after talking with the children adout their experiences at the beach, watching videos, ...

Chalk ice paintsicles The children will use the plastic strainers to grate the chalks into plastic After grating the chalks the children put the ground chalk inside the ice cube trays and added water and sticks and they were refrigerated for the next Next day ....

Science Experiments This Science experiment were fun to work with. It showw how plants give us the oxygen we need to breathe. Science behind the experiment The bubbles you observed on the leaf and sides of the glass were oxygen. Leaves take in...

Fizzy numbers egg Before playing with the child, the mother needed some preliminary work. Due to Corona, the more items you can play with your children at home, the better. 1) Mix baking soda and water 2) Put the number blocks in the...

Cherry blossom art/Japanese LOTE activity A great way for students to explore and appreciate other cultures like Japan. This activity can be done as an art or Japanese lesson format, exploring spring, cool colours, various painting techniques, festivals and nature. ...

Young Entrepreneurs The concept of Market Explorer was introduced to the children in a live environment. We moved the learning from a controlled environment to a live environment for the children to experience the nuances involved in a purchase...

trabajos elaborados por mis alumnos Uno se elaboro para ver las emociones de los niños, luego de hablar sus emociones realizamos un mounstro con materiales que llos escogieron segun se sentian ese dia. Se utilizaron como materiales un plato de carton, ...

DIY puzzle activity C'est une activité de puzzle ( DIY) pour les enfants de deux ans . J'ai présenté cette activité en trois temps. Premier temps: J'ai placé deux pièces de puzzle seulement devant l'enfant et il les a assemblées pour avoir le...

Aprendiendo a contar! En esta ocasión para poder aprender a contar de manera dinámica, utilizamos diferentes números hechos con material resistente ( foam) de diferentes colores para poder llamar más la atención del niño, por el lado de atrás de los...

Mini akuarium saya Ini ialah projek mini akuarium saya untuk murid prasekolah 6 tahun. Murid belajar tentang hidupan yang hidup di dalam air. Murid diminta menghasilkan akuarium mengikut kreativiti masing-masing. Murid bersama ahli...

Alcancía perro Lo trabajamos en niños de 5 años y se realizó con los siguientes materiales: con una caja de cartón ( en esta ocasión se utilizó una de reciclaje ( de zapatos de papá, diferentes papeles, lápices de color, marcadores, pegamento...

Activities from our school This time we learned together about phonics. We have learned using phonemic awareness so we can read any text from any books. We try to write the initial letters than read it loud the blends. We learned the phonemic awareness...

Emotions matching This activity is a way for children to learn different emotions. After showing the emotions flashcard with my children, I will pick one randomly and ask "How do you feel? ", they will answer " I feel. " according to the flashcard. Then...

Mini Cookie Flower Returning to reality has been a less than fun experience thanks to mother nature's inability to decipher April as spring and not winter. This is fun activity ideas for Spring, making delicious and fun Mini Cookie flower. These creative...

Teatro de Sombras Para el teatro de sombras elaboramos con cartón y en la parte delantera untilizamos papel blanco fino para crear la sombra cuando apaguemos las luces, hacer sombra con una linterna por la parte de atrás de teatrillo que elaboramos con...

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