Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 10
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clasificando lo que me puedo y no me puedo comer
esta actividad busque en internet algunas imágenes de alimentos y otras de objetos, una canasta y un plato, en la canasta colocamos los objetos que son imágenes de juguetes y en el plato colocamos las frutas y alimentos que podemos...
Motricidad con material reciclado
Esta actividad la realicé, para mi niño de 2 años, con material reciclado, cartón, tapas de botellas plásticas de diferentes tamaños, dibujé una carretera, un carro donde las llantas tenían que enroscar, el sol, el...
Online classes on veterinarian
We introduce veterinarian using these materials. We use online video as resources to introduce the occupation to the kids. We also get them to bring along their favorite animal toys so they can 'pretend play' after. We...
Activities with my students
Estos son algunos de los trabajos de los niños en la clase, realizamos trabajos con plastilina, según la forma rellenar con plastilina los alrededores, como pintar las animales con pinturas según el color solicitado. Estuvieron...
Các môi trường sống chứa nước mặn là vùng nước mặn. Đối với động vật có khả năng sinh sống trong môi trường nước mặn đòi hỏi phải có các cơ chế điều chỉnh đặc...
butterfly life cycle
Em cerca de 4 aulas falamos sobre os insetos que moram no jardim. Mostrei flashcards de alguns deles, levei os elementos do jardim até a sala de aula em potes, areia, pedras, grama, folhas, penas, borboletas de papel (...
Arts & Craft Activity Box
These are Arts and Craft Boxes that I create for kids, some are used for homeschooling during their art subject. It is a fun art activity out of students' collaborative projects at the primary level. Pop Art Box is inspired...
Taking care of their own needs with a "Snot Spot"
This is a great way for toddlers through grade school to learn to take care of their own runny noses. All you need is: 1. a mirror - especially for little ones - low enough for them to see themselves 2. a box of...
Taller de Jardinería para celebrar el día del agricultor
Esta actividad es apta para celebrar el día de los trabajadores de la tierra, o actividades para hacer algo distinto en las huertas escolares. Puede pedir a los estudiantes una piedra, de una forma ovada en distintos tamaños. ...
Colour matching activity
The children in my toddler room looooooove to read the book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? " I usually sing the book and help them do the matching activities - head&tail matching and colour matching. ...
Learning About and Crafting Ocean Life
At Amazing Kids Academy, they learned all about ocean life and did some crafting themed for all the creatures in the ocean too! Studying seashells The class enjoyed studying seashells. They noted the unique colors and...
우리 마을 꾸미기
우리 마을 꾸미기를 했어요. 코로나로 인해 학생들이 학교에 오지 못하는 날이 많았습니다. 학교에 나온 며칠은 재미난 활동을 많이 하여 아이들을 달래주었습니다. 지식은...
El mundo de los dinosaurios
Este es un proyecto que se puede realizar con los niños y niñas en el aula o a través de la enseñanza de manera virtual, este hermoso proyecto consiste en realizar con diferentes materiales el hábitat de los dinosaurios pueden...
Coloring with Chlorophyll for STEAM projects on Earth Day. Children enjoyed using leaves to color their trees. Have fun!
Coloring with Chlorophyll for STEAM projects on Earth Day. We watched some fun videos teaching children what Chlorophyll is and how plants produce chlorophyll. Children enjoyed using leaves to color their trees. We collected...
29.4. Svjetski dan plesa!
Obilježili smo 29. 4. Svjetski dan plesa! Radili smo aktivnosti kroz dva dana. Prvi dan posvetili smo baletu. Gledali smo isječak iz djela “Labuđe jezero” u izvedbi odraslih balerina i baletana, te jednu baletnu točku djece...
03.05.2021. Svjetski dan sunca
Danas je Svejtski dan sunca, razgovarali smo o tome kako je sunce važno za sva živa bića, što volimo raditi kad je sunce i što možemo raditi samo kad je sunce. Djeca su vikala: jesti sladoled, kupati se u vani bazenu i moru. ...
Lunch box lapbook
Alle fine della Unit sul cibo, il nostro libro di testo proponeva un esempio di lunchbox lapbook. I bambini si sono divertiti tantissimo a creare qualcosa con forbici e colla. Nella bustina più grossa abbiamo inserito un libretto a...
My pre-k class learning the letter w
y 3 year olds love learning their letters. Last week we were learning about the letter w. We did several art projects. Here are three of the art projects we did. They put together the whale on their own gluing the peices all by...
Sight Words Shoot Out
I had two 6 year olds who came in to school , but they had not gone to school prior and we basically have a year to get them ready for Primary 1. It was quite challenging when after "testing" them using the Dolch sign words, and finding...
Labubugs - pintura corporal
E cá estamos nós embarcados em mais um projeto de tirar o fôlego. Desta vez, estou falando de pequenos animaizinhos invertebrados que rastejam, se transformam e são incrivelmente fofinhos. Sim, estamos estudando sobre...
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