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Preschool And Kindergarten, Page 11

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Color Sorting with Buttons o We are working hard in our classroom sorting. Sorting is a pre math skill that forms a foundation for many other skills. We have sorted buttons, frogs, bears, rocks and many other manipulatives. We sort by size, color, ...

Stropitoarea- activitate practică Fiindcă am discutat despre florile de primăvară și importanța pe care o are îngrijirea corespunzătoare a acestora- plantare, curățare, punerea de îngrășăminte care să ajute la creșterea acestora, stropirea pentru...

Narcise- activitate practică Florile de primăvară ne învăluie cu parfumul și culorile lor, atât pe noi cei mari, cât și pe cei mici. An de an desfășurăm proiect tematic ce are legătură cu florile primăverii, discutând cu cei mici despre...

Healthy Habits. How to be healthy? It all starts with creating healthy habits. Healthy habits can make you feel stronger and happier. You need to feed your body and mind with really good foodd, thoughs and actions that will make it function well. A habbit is created...

Learning Spanish in Kindergarten with Visual Aids At ABC City Preschool, have a bilingual program dedicated to helping the children learn how to speak Spanish! Through the use of visual aids and having the kiddos write down words in English and Spanish they being to develop an...

Making a Jelly Fish So we had some left over coffee filters and I discovered a neat way to use one for craft time. My daughter is 2 years old and she really enjoys stuff like this! So we got out the water colors, a glass of water, a paint brush, a...

Learning numbers and colors! Hey ya'll! So my daughter really likes cats, she likes to paint also. She is 2 yrs old. So I came up with the idea to paint a picture, to learn her numbers and there is even a cat to paint too! For this activity I was teaching...

Curcubeul vesel- activitate practică Venirea primăverii este prilej de bucurie pentru toți copiii, din întreaga lume. Culorile pe care aceasta ni le aduce odată cu înmugurirea copacilor, paleta minunată a florilor, ne binedispune și ne dă un tonus...

Teaching phone numbers I put up this phone for the students in my class to learn their phone numbers and 911 properly. I also printed out small phones for them to take home with them so that they may practice at home too. I printed out circle numbers and...

Dice Game Activity This game is designed based on the popular Korean board game "Cookie Box. " In this game, students have to place their items in a square in the same order as seen on the playing card. Teachers print and laminate the playing card grid....

Bomboana gigant- aplicație practică Cu toții îl așteptăm cu nerăbdare pe Moș Crăciun, în special cei mici. Pentru a face așteptarea mai plăcută și mai frumoasă, împreună cu cei mici, am realizat o bombonică gigant, pe care să o așeze...

Hands & Feet Balancing Game This game teaches balance and coordination to children and can be played from as young as 3 years; it is also fun for adults! Before you play, draw hand and foot prints using your own or the childrens' hands and feet to draw around. It...

Învățarea cifrelor prin descoperire Învățarea cifrelor se face încă de la grădiniță, însă nu este suficient să expui copilului o planșă, un jeton, o simplă cifră, ci este necesar ca el să se joace cu cifrele în toate felurile, astfel încât...

Clothing in Weather The weather outside changes each and every day. Some days it is snowy, and your mom makes you wear a hat. On other days it is rainy, and you get to wear your new rain boots. Would you wear a winter jacket when it was sunny? That’s...

Heart Shape Craft Preschool students at an internatioal school. Math Time! Topic: Shapes - Heart Craft Kids are happy because they made hearts. Learning is fun in my classroom. I say this because I can see that on the faces of my students....

La ferma - math La activitatea de matematica de vineri de la grupa mare ne-am jucat cu animalele de la ferma ( curcani, magarusi, catei, puisori, cocosi, vacute, tapi, porcusori, oite. Copiii au avut ca sarcina sa le recunosca, sa spuna ce...

Collecting Nature's Materials for Animals Habitat Collecting nature's materialsi During our Animals theme, we had the activity making animal's habitat. Instead of using paper, playdough etc. I choose to use the nature's materials. The children were so excited. The...

The dot book activity For this activity we read the book "The dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. The story is a great example of how we are all capable of doing things, and it also talks about the importance of people believing in us. Here is the link with the...

Arrange your own fried rice This is a very simple craft that kids like a lot. We just need to prepare a picture of a plate on a cardboard paper. Then please prepare the picture of any fried rice condiments, such as slice of tomato, slice of...

Dunia Hewan Growing Tree. Mengenal jenis-jenis hewan dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan hewan tersebut, seperti habitatnya dll Kegiatan ini kami laksanakan saat kelas interaktif secara online. Murid-murid menggunting sendiri kain flanel dan mengikatnya pada pola lingkaran yang telah disediakan. Mereka dapat memperkirakan panjang dan lebar potongan kain...

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