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With us since:
February 16, 2020
Publications: 40
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.Ella Martin
Carnival-Themed Art Projects
At Minnehaha Area Child Care they did a number of art projects themed for carnivals and all their fun! Handprint clowns The children had great fun using paint on their hands to make handprint clowns. Construction paper clown The kids also made clowns out of construction paper and...


Pumpkin Innards Examination
The end of Summer nears and Fall is approaching. At Sunny Hill Child Care and Preschool they got in the Fall spirit by doing a fun project where they examined pumpkin innards! Materials needed for pumpkin innards examination To do this examination you will need: Pumpkin...


Easy Lion Mane Craft
This lion mane craft is easy to make and perfect for younger students such as those in preschool and kindergarten! They loved making it at The Learning Ladder-Manchester, TN! Materials needed for your easy lion mane craft To do this craft you will need: Paper plate Strips of...


Paper Plate Lion Craft
At Little Seed Early Learning Center--Child Care and Preschool they made lions out of paper plates and loved creating their own wild big cats! Materials needed for the paper plate lion craft To do this craft you will need: Paper plates Paint ( tempera or acrylic works well)...


"Chicka Chicka Boom Boom," Activities
At Four Leaf Clover Preschool they read the enjoyable book, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, " which is all about the letters of the alphabet. After enjoying the book they did two activities related to it that were great fun! Letter Tile Stacking In the book, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, "...


Making Oobleck Activity for Kids
At Early Learning Center Inc they made Oobleck and then played with it! This blend of cornstarch and water is fascinatingly gooey and fun. Materials needed to make Oobleck Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid. To make Oobleck you will need: 2 cups of cornstarch 1 cup of...


Square Cutting Activity for Toddlers
At  AppleTree Early Care and Preschool they learned how, "S is for square, " and practiced cutting squares out of pieces of paper to develop their fine motor skills. Materials needed for the square cutting activity To do this activity you need: Safety scissors Paper with...


Jungle Silhouettes Watercolor Painting Craft for Kids
This fun craft was done at the Gardner School of Louisville and involved making a fun jungle scene by utilizing silhouettes! The kids loved doing it! Materials needed to make jungle silhouettes To do this craft you should have the following: Sheet of paper Watercolor painting...


Simple Fruit Play Sensory Activity
Sensory play is important for the development of little ones. One common issue, however, is that toddlers love to put everything in their mouths. BrightPath Kids had the clever idea to do a sensory play activity with fruit so that kids can both enjoy sensory play and safely ingest their,...


July 4th Shirt Making for Kids!
Educator Sarah Dann shared this fun activity themed for July 4th where you take a white t-shirt and transform it into a patriotic design! Materials Needed to Make the July 4th Shirt To make this July 4th shirt you will need: A white t-shirt Red and Blue Paint that is nonwashable...


Do-It-Yourself Water Table Activity
During the Summer a lot of stores sell water tables. These can be expensive, however, so making your own water table can be a great idea too, as illustrated by The Children's Hour Preschool! How to Make Your Own Water Table To make your own water table you can use a wide range of...


Building Butterflies Out of Nature Activity
At the Children's Garden Preschool they went outside to enjoy the Summer weather and built butterflies out of pieces of nature for a fun activity that combines creative thinking and art! How to Build Butterflies Out of Nature To build butterflies out of nature follow these steps:...


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