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.Chloe Thompson

Author: .Chloe Thompson
Posts: 52
Rating: 136. Votes: 136
Shape Sorting Activity With Everyday Objects for Toddlers
At Marlboro Jewish Center ( @MJC_Preschool) in New Jersey they came-up with this fun shape-sorting activity that helps children see the shapes of items in everyday objects!...
Added: May 24, 2020

Letter-Matching Magnet Activity for Preschool Students
Kaitlyn O’Halpin ( @misskaitlyn6) shared this fun letter-matching magnet activity you can do at home with your preschool student with a handful of...
Added: May 23, 2020

Making Chocolate and Sprinkle Pretzels With Your Preschooler!
Amy Baker of @HonestlyAmyBlog shared her pictures of the at-home Daycare activity she did with her family! They made chocolate and sprinkle pretzels that...
Added: May 18, 2020

Painting With Pine Cones for Preschool Students
Painting with pine cones! It is a very easy activity to do at home too! Materials Needed for Painting With Pine Cones To paint with pine cones you just need a...
Added: May 18, 2020

Making a, "Lunch Lion," Activity for Preschoolers
Miss G is a preschool teacher has done with preschool students! They spend lunch making a lion out of their food--a, "Lunch Lion! " You can do it at home too! Making...
Added: May 18, 2020

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