Matching Fish With Other Items Activity

This activity has children match fish to other objects that are similar in appearance, name, or theme. For example, a clownfish would match with a clown! In addition, there are shape halves on each match to assist children in making sure they have matched the correct fish to the right image.
There are 12 fish in total that can be matched to an image: moon fish, butterflyfish, clownfish, parrotfish, seahorse, fish drop, sawfish, frogfish, needlefish, pufferfish, swordfish, hammerhead shark. As each fish has a match that means there are 24 cards in total once you have printed and cut everything up into proper halves. Note that everything can be laminated as well to allow you to do this activity multiple times with a number of children!
Fish Matching Game Printable
How to Download the Files
The file package can be downloaded completely for free! Click here to see more