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1209 days back

With us since:
March 20, 2020
Publications: 2
Comments: 4
Daphne Locke
Christmas Lego Activity for esl kids
sing lego is always fun the classroom. It's waterproof and easy to clean, especially these days. Recently I've asked students to make specific ( difficult) objects with lego to inspire their creativity: make a snowman! Make a candy cane! Make a Christmas tree! The children worked hard and...


English Teacher in Japan
I'm an English teacher based in Japan. My husband and I run a small school with a unique children's after school program which teaches English in combination with STEAM activities. We love what we do and all our students are enthusiastic about coming to class because they are...


Total posts: 2. Read all →

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
January 2, 2021