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754 days back

With us since:
October 30, 2021
Publications: 2
Comments: 2
Tincu Monica
Water theme preschool
We talked about the water cicle, about oceans and seas, why we need water, the water transformations. We watch the ice melt, now we know that water boild at 100 degrees, we also made en experiment to see how rain falls. Children now know that there are 5 oceans on our planet, which...


The story of Ario
Hello! Due to the pandemic situation I thought about an activity of reading and learning about how to protect of coronavirus. As you know for small children is quite difficult to understand how they can protect themselves and the people they love from viruses. They also had an awful year last...


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«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
October 30, 2021