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Lacey Clements. Blog

Author: Lacey Clements
Posts: 7
Rating: 151. Votes: 151
Learning my ABCs
So we wanted to pass sometime by while dinner was being fixed. And a quick way to do that was by bringing out the dry erase board and markers. So we decided to start by learning the abcs. I...
Added: August 9, 2021

Making a Jelly Fish
So we had some left over coffee filters and I discovered a neat way to use one for craft time. My daughter is 2 years old and she really enjoys stuff like this! So we got out the water...
Added: April 14, 2021

Learning numbers and colors!
Hey ya'll! So my daughter really likes cats, she likes to paint also. She is 2 yrs old. So I came up with the idea to paint a picture, to learn her numbers and there is even a cat to paint...
Added: April 14, 2021

Spring time bird craft!
Looking forward to Spring time? Here is a fun springtime craft So, my daughter and I already had a bird that we had made one day for craft time. So we were able to use that to...
Added: March 12, 2021

Playdoh Activity/ Craft
Printable This was a fun activity with playdoh. It kept her busy for a long time. She really enjoyed it . I bought the playdoh from the dollar Tree in a variety of colors. I also...
Added: March 12, 2021

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