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.Emily Davis

Author: .Emily Davis
Posts: 33
Rating: 27. Votes: 27
Easy Native American-Themed Crafts for Kids
At Touchstone School they had a fantastic time doing an assortment of Native American-themed activities! Touchstone School www. touchstoneschools. com...
Added: November 18, 2019

lesson Plan: Graphing With Unifix Cubes and Shapes for Preschoolers
Objectives 1. The students will have the ability to create as well as verbally describe a pattern. 2. By utilizing a pattern recognition activity sheet, the students will then be...
Added: November 5, 2019

Paper Plate Spider Web Craft
This fun and easy spider craft is great for kids and at Crescere Kids School in Portland, Oregon they loved doing this craft activity which is stellar for...
Added: October 31, 2019

Spider Web Fine Motor Activity
This is an excellent experience to develop fine motor skills. The sensory bin is filled with spiders, yarn to create the web, and...
Added: October 29, 2019

Geoboard Pumpkin Stem Activities for Preschool
Making a geoboard pumpkin was an amazing way to explore pumpkin math concepts and STEM with the children. It expanded the traditional...
Added: October 24, 2019

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