Fire Coloring and Painting Pages
Free printable. This month is national fire prevention and safety month!
Fire Coloring/Painting and "Extinguishing," Pages
October is National Fire Safety and Prevention month! To recognize this Children Central Child Care / Learning Center did a fun activity where they painted their own fire and another where they pretended to put a fire out! Your class can do this too with our free printables of fire!
Fire Coloring/Painting
For this activity you have students use crayons, markers, or paint to make a fire! Fires generally are red and orange, but really hot ones actually burn blue so if students want to use a mixture of these colors that is fine! If they are using paint they could utilize paintbrushes or do finger-painting like the class at Children Central Child Care / Learning Center did--thankfully pretend fire is not hot to touch!

Free Fire Printables
Pretend Fire Extinguishing
To do this activity students had a spray-bottle with a foaming solution inside (foaming soap works great) and sprayed it onto the fires to pretend as if they were using their own fire extinguisher to, "Put-out," the fires on the printables!
"This month is national fire prevention and safety month! Here are some of friends learning about fire safety and exploring what it takes to be a fireman! They are having fun pretending to put out fires!"
Children's Lighthouse (Riverside, CA)
Riverside, California