International Dot Day
Every year on September 15th millions of educators and students around the world celebrate International Dot Day. This global celebration of creativity within the classroom is based on the award-winning book by Peter H. Reynolds, "The Dot." A number of schools celebrated the day in creative ways!
Robin Hood School in Stoneham, Massachusetts marked the occasion by creating a massive collage of dots when they weren't busy doing a fire drill that day as well.
Durand Elementary Art art class creative collaborative dots for International Dot Day, where each student illustrated certain parts of the dot to make multiple team-work masterpieces.

The teachers and students dressed-up their outfits with the addition of all kinds of fun and colorful dots at Rollins Place Elementary School in Zachary, Louisiana.

Featherstone Elementary School in Woodbridge, Virginia, read Reynold's book, "The Dot," and then had the students work to make their own large and exciting dots full of color and creativity.

Asheville Primary School also had their students create gorgeous works of art with dots.

At Trent River Public School they had 2nd grade read the book and then did a clever exercise where students made an image based around a single black dot on their sheet of paper.

The students and their teacher, Ms. Blanset, made an amazing mural at Upthegrove Elementary School in LaBelle, FL to share how they were inspired by the book, "The Dot."

Color, shape, and line were explored by students at East Falmouth Elementary School in East Falmouth, Massachusetts after the book, "The Dot," was read and all kinds of other great artists were discussed, The kids there loved, "Making their mark."