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Making Bats that fly

Melanie Garcia
Making Bats that fly

Making Bats that fly

I introduced the bat unit to my kiddos by reading the book "Stellaluna" and then I was able to find the book being read aloud on youtube, and we used the video just a filler for time. We then used a free bat template I found on line that They cut, and painted the bats. we later use a hole punch and punched a hole in each wing attaching the, with yarn to make their wings move as to make it look like our bats were flying. In order to have the string attached we cut a straw and taped it on the front and feed the string through in order to make the wings move.

The kids enjoyed adding the eyes, and using the hole punch to the holes in their wings

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Making Bats that fly
October 21, 2024
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