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Insects Worksheets for Preschoolers
These printables will prove valuable for your Montessori science or themed shelves, insect unit, science center, or nature table. Life Cycle of a Honey Bee Poster for Preschoolers Bees go...
May 16, 2023
* * Admin

Bee Parts and Spreading Pollen
My science class enjoyed learning about bees. We studied the parts of bees and how they are helpful to the environment. They are very important to for flower reproduction. They spread...
May 16, 2023
Stephanie M Jones

D.I.Y Cardboard Bus
I'm not a teacher but a simply mother of a 3-year-old son. I love doing D. I. Y arts and crafts for my son. So today. I made him a D. I. Y. cardboard bus. I really enjoyed making the...
May 16, 2023
richelle sapinoso

Farm Animal Outline Images
This collection of printable farm templates is perfect for various farm or country-themed craft projects. Whether you're working on applique, paper cutting crafts, bulletin board designs, or...
May 15, 2023
* * Admin

Dandelion Art Activity With Paint
Dandelion A beautiful dandelion made with the child’s fingerprints. This easy activity is an excellent way to personalise an art activity and make it extra special. It can also be a group...
May 14, 2023
Chante Ackerman

Finger painted trees
Hello! We made these lovely cards for Valentines day :! This activity was well suited for my first graders, but could work from K-3rd I'm sure. 1. Fold thick A4 paper in half, to create a...
May 13, 2023
Katariina Vokka

Make a keyboard
My student had a keyboard that was velcro keys. They start out with a keyboard that they match the keys on top of the keys. Then they put the keyboard that has it separated by rows they must put in the correct spot only the letters. Then they get one that has each row but is separated right and...
May 12, 2023

Busy book for preschoolers
Learn shapes, colors, numbers and other activities . Video here https://vm. tiktok. com/ZM2JQThYm/ PDF file available for download. comment below to recieve a copy of the...
May 12, 2023
Elena Evergreen

Starting Phonics Activity
This is a fun activity to help children learn phonics starting with these sounds: m a s d t . ‌ Don't wait for your child to learn ALL the alphabets for them to start reading. Get...
May 12, 2023
Elena Evergreen

Spider number. This encourages an interactive number learning using spider
Encourages an interactive number learning using spider. You can use strings, cartons, bottle tops and color. Draw the spider in the carton and encourage children in the process of painting it. Wus glue to attach the bottle tops. this can be collections of pet bottles, same color or different...
May 12, 2023
Diana Sambou

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