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Easter Activities: Peeps Five Senses Experiment, Painting Activities and Easter Center
I thought I would share a few of the fun Easter crafts and activities that my class did over the past couple of weeks! Peeps five senses, painting Easter eggs using a potato...
April 7, 2023

Positive Feedback from an Australian Educator
I love the articles and worksheets here at TeachersMag. I always try to check your website whenever I need activities for our childcare centre. I work as an Educator with toddler children, who all love the photos that I download from TeachersMag. Your website is very reliable, and I enjoy...
April 7, 2023

Building Math Skills with Legos: The Math City Activity
Enon United Methodist Preschool recently held a fun and educational activity that combined math and creativity. The children built a math city out of Legos, using a city plan drawn on a mat...
April 7, 2023
.Chloe Thompson

Bingo with a Twist - Number Tracing Worksheets
Number bingo is a classic game that preschoolers love to play. But why not add a fun twist to it and combine the game with the practice of tracing numbers? Your students will love it! The...
April 5, 2023
.Chloe Thompson

Butterfly Headband Craft for Preschoolers
Kinsley Public Library recently shared an adorable butterfly-themed craft idea on their Facebook page that is perfect for preschoolers: " The library's morning and afternoon story hour at USD...
April 5, 2023
.Chloe Thompson

Sticker Eggs. Easter Craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Sticker Eggs – An Easy Easter Craft Your Toddler Will Love. This week we have been having lots of Easter fun at preschool. The Preschool children had their home corner transformed into...
April 4, 2023
Debbie C

Letter F Worksheets for Preschoolers
Below you will find printable worksheets that are perfect for preschool and kindergarten students! Initial Sounds I Spy Activity: Letter F I spy with my little eye, something beginning with....
April 3, 2023
* * Admin

Playing Card Number Match
To gain awareness of different number fonts, the children are asked to use playing cards that are numbered 2 through 9 to match to the numbers on their paper mats which are also numbered 2...
April 3, 2023
Erin Eckley

Play-Doh Fluffy Chicks Activity
At Alphabet Tree Childcare-Preschool, they did a fun activity themed for Springtime! When it is Spring the eggs laid by chickens often hatch into cute little chicks! In honor of these chicks,...
April 2, 2023
.Amelia White

Easter Egg Flower Art
At Sophie's Childcare Play n Grow they did a fun Easter-themed craft! The kids were given pieces of construction paper shaped like eggs and then glued flowers upon them to create beautiful...
April 2, 2023
.Chloe Thompson

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