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Hello. Have a nice day!
Hello. I wish you all a nice day and wonderful time with our beloved children. Thanks so much for being so passionate about teaching young children. I cannot thank you enough for your...
March 13, 2023

Letter A Worksheets for Preschoolers
Worksheets for teaching the Letter A. Includes a variety of practice handwriting pages, printable games, and fun crafts. Initial Sounds I Spy Activity: Letter A Preschoolers can use this I Spy...
March 8, 2023
* * Admin

Superworm sensorial activity
Goals: 1. Vocabulary ( name insects and other animals) 2. Science: Know the life cycle of the worm. Classify into insects or non-insects. 3. Sensory exploration. 4. Fine motor:...
March 3, 2023
* Teacher Annie

Weather Theme Counting Activity
Here is an activity that I just put together for our Weather Unit for the month of March: Rain drops and cloud counting activity: -Take contact paper and tape to the window or wall using...
March 2, 2023
Ashleigh Gosnell

Our funny Leaf Man
Goals: 1. Vocabulary acquisition 2. classify leaves by characteristics ( color, shape and size) 3. Artistic: Development of creativity. To carry out this activity you will need: 1. Book:...
March 2, 2023
* Teacher Annie

Spring Play Dough Tinker Boxes
I made tinker boxes for my kids to use with playdough. These boxes came from the dollar tree in the $3 section. All of the contents came from the dollar tree as well. I was looking for...
March 1, 2023
Tara Byram

Apples Up On Top - A Unique Paper Bag Apple
I was teaching about book themes and age appropriate activities to child care teachers. I gave them an apple tree coloring picture to color while they listened, and there were some paper bags,...
February 28, 2023

What the nature provides to us. vegetables and fruits
Bring your favourite fruit to the class and share it with your classmates. We will classify them by color and flavour. This is an amazing opprtunity to let students learn and share a new topic. In addition, we are going to paste some images on the walls and with a dice I will mention a fruit or...
February 28, 2023

Brown is the color of nature
Getting to know the color brown for children is planned to get to know it through the colors found in nature - plants, soil and animals. Children need learning through action and...
February 26, 2023
* Sandra Vagale

Felt paper dolls
I made some really cute felt paper dolls. I have a preschool classroom full of little girls and we had so much fun with this little project that we made 2 sets! One set for them to take home and one set to leave in the classroom. I need new clothes designs and that is why I'm on this website. of...
February 22, 2023
Samantha Macrina

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