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Emotions Match Worksheet for Preschoolers
I downloaded a worksheet on emotions and conducted emotional activities with the children. We introduced emotions suitable for each situation and conducted activities where children came out...
March 27, 2023

Letter Tracing Worksheets
This letter worksheets is a wonderful way for preschoolers to learn how to write letters. Kids can color in the pictures of something that starts with that letter first and then trace the...
March 26, 2023
* * Admin

Abstract Art with Black Glue and Water Colours
MATERIALS - white glue in glue bottles-prefer small - black tempra paint - water colour paint-red, blue, yellow - paint brushes - white water colour or card stock paper cut to any size - the child’s imagination and creativity PROCESS 1. Add black liquid tempura paint to white glue in...
March 24, 2023
Shelley Terpstra

Veterinarian Storytime
I work in a public library as Children's Librarian. I'm planning to do a veterinarian story time and wanted to show the kids about x-rays for different animals. This will teach the kids the importance of taking care of animals and how to know when their animals are sick or may need checkups. This...
March 23, 2023
Donna Younce

Letter D Free Worksheets
Below you’ll find many useful and beautiful coloring pages and handwriting practice sheet for letter D. This is an effort to add more excitement through variety to the playing and learning...
March 23, 2023
* * Admin

Letter D Worksheets for Preschoolers
Here are printable letter D sound worksheets. The letter D printables are perfect for preschoolers working on letter sound recognition. Initial Sounds I Spy Activity: Letter D How...
March 23, 2023
* * Admin

Planting our seeds
Learning Objectives Students will be able to write about the process of planting a seed. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling ( 5 minutes) Explain to students that today...
March 23, 2023

Family members activity for kids - 1st grade
The teacher will ask the students for cards with pictures of each of the family members, for example: one picture of the mom, one of the dad, one of the grandmother, one of the grandfather, etc. And separate cards will be made with the names of the family members: e. g. mom, dad, uncle, grandma,...
March 22, 2023
Andrea Rojas

Play Basic Simple Puzzle
Hello everyone. I want to sharing my experience with my private student as a private teacher. This time in this photo, I let my private student to play this basic simple puzzle. I have choose...
March 22, 2023
* Belinda Ernestiana

Experiments with water
We have experiments with water throughout the year. In winter, they are in the form of snow and ice, their thawing and coloring. In the spring, we observe how it can be melted faster - with...
March 19, 2023
* Sandra Vagale

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