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Fall leaves painting
Painting different kinds of leaves by children and after that put, the painting leaves on white paper to make a beautiful fall leaves painting. You can paint more than one color such as by mixing green, brown, yellow, orange, and red. These are really fun ideas for the fall lesson plan and all my...
November 13, 2022

Une semaine chez le vétérinaire
Notre thème de la semaine était la clinique vétérinaire. Pour bien préparer cette expérience j'ai modifié ma pièce en clinique vétérinaire. J'avais ma salle d'attente, où les petits...
November 12, 2022
Odette Mundviller

healthy living /How children can distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food
print pictures of healthy food and unhealthy food have different coloured boxes first sort in colours and then sort in order of healthy and unhealthy Do a scavenger hunt for children to find healthy and unhealthy food during circle time sing apple and banana song play at cutting and preparing...
November 12, 2022

Semaine d'activité sur la Mer et la plage
Sur le thème de la mer, nous avons joue avec un bac de manipulation. Les enfants trouvaient des animaux marins et devaient les nommer. Il y avait des lettres cachées qu'ils devaient nommer...
November 11, 2022
Odette Mundviller

Class 3 grado de educación básica
las clases de Lengua y Literatura, la clase tuvo una duración de 45 minutos, se realizó diferentes actividades en primer punto se les mostro unas imágenes de unas aves en la que los niños tenían describir y decir que animal era y como se llamaba, también pusimos sonidos de la ave que era el...
November 10, 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month Project Assignment
The idea behind Hispanic Heritage Month is to celebrate the South American, Central American, Caribbean, and Spanish contributions to our society and to appreciate various traditions...
November 10, 2022
Kirsten Telwak

Using Geographic shapes to create image
This week in our expressive arts lesson the grade 1 students are learning how to use shapes to create an image. Sorry i don't have an image to show. They were given different colored shapes and they had to cut and glue together to create an image. Most students were able to accurately cut with a...
November 10, 2022

Being a teacher is awesome
I love being a teacher. I teach in a school with low resources and the kids are really poor, no one the less I love the way that the kids with what we have create a world of learning and love for each other. Also the kids are really gratefull, and love coming to school, even on rainy days. They...
November 8, 2022
Mariela Mata

the sense of sight
درست کردن فرفره های کاغذی مرتبط با آموزش حس بینایی از حواس پنجگانه بیشتر اطلاعاتی که از اطرافمان...
November 8, 2022
mona farhan

Pictures and songs
I teach in a non-verbal classroom with students that are 3-5 years old. It helps them to have pictures to represent the animals when singing. The students can come up one at a time as well do each animal to attach to the board. This helps them stay engaged with the song. I used Lesson Pix to...
November 8, 2022
Wendy Ouellette

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