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Bible ABCS in english and russian
I teach bible and russian. a fun activity I like to do is find bible words for the letter in Russian. We start off with simple just learn the letter and its sound. we then move up to words....
November 7, 2022
Elvina N Dron

Learning about body parts
Give each child a piece of paper and start dictating to them. The goal is to draw a complete creature according to the teacher’s instructions. We start with the head ( and the number...
November 3, 2022

I like to play ___ with ____
I like to play ____ with ____ is a good activity for young children to do to encourage new friendships and to help them become aware of what is happening in their school environment....
November 1, 2022
Laura Wirth

Il bosco in autunno
Ecco il nostro bosco autunnale! Dopo diverse letture sull'autunno e un'uscita in giardino per osservarne le caratteristiche, i bambini hanno dipinto il loro bosco con i colori tipici...
October 31, 2022

Diwali Celebration
We celebrated Diwali in our classroom! We coloured a sun that displayed different colours of sunshine to represent this celebration also known as the festival of lights. Parents came in to make our celebration authentic with real Indian sweets and a magnificent candle holder for every child. The...
October 31, 2022
Sarah Mac Duff

Thanksgiving Diguise a Turkey
Every year we do Disguise a Turkey. The kids bring home a printed turkey and disguise it any way they like. The disguise can be a cartoon character, public officer, superhero, etc. Children can...
October 30, 2022
Rhonda Paredez

Cifra 1 - Cifre in sare si conturul cifrei 1
1. Cifre in sare Aminteam această tehnică de învățare și în articolul despre metode de învățare a literelor la preșcolari. Consider că este o activitate propice, care merită să...
October 30, 2022
Clara Deleanu

Activity for Arabic letter
It is a simple activity for kids to teach them the letter Dal ( د) which is the 8th letter of Arabic alphabet, also what words that start with that letter. Moreover, this activity can be...
October 29, 2022
Mona ali

Different Kind of Tastes
HelIo everyone. I found this page so interesting and helpful and I just can't wait to share this one with you dear teachers. By the way, I am a public school teacher here in the...
October 29, 2022
Elsie Ayo

The Orange Shirt by Phyllis. Comprehension Questions
For September 30, the Day of Reconciliation and Truth in Canada, I had students read The Orange Shirt written by Phyllis. Then, students fill in the comprehension questions with my help. This is an activity I do with fourth graders, esl students. Here are the questions: Ref: https://www....
October 28, 2022
Valerie Roy

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