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Fine Motor Broom Sticks
This is a fine motor activity that requires the following supplies: Supplies: Construction paper, pipe cleaners, scissors and beads Start off by cutting strips of yellow construction paper about 2 inches wide. Then take the 2 inch strips and cut them so they are about 3x2. Take the 3 x 2...
October 28, 2022

straw rocket launcher
Student working hard creating straw rocket and launching them during recess time. We used the following Materials : Pencil Scissors Tape Soda straw ( plastic or reusable) Meter stick or...
October 27, 2022

Muschrooms activity - find the same pieces of muschrooms
What is it? It is a good activity for preschool kids - age 3 to 6. Kids have to find the correct half of muschroom picture. For young children use two or three muschrooms. Information for...
October 26, 2022
Anna R

Ocean drifting bottle
Make a ocean drifting bottle with crepe paper Materials: crepe paper, plastic bottle, LED light, glue, brush Teacher cuts the dark blue, light blue, sky blue, purple and fluorescent yellow...
October 26, 2022

Teacher Burnout
Hello teacher friends! How are you holding up this year? Personally, I am struggling. I have taught for 29 years and the changes I have seen, especially in the last 5 years are becoming unbearable for me. I have only 15 students in my classroom but with all of the different needs presented by...
October 25, 2022
Barb Jacobson

Farm sensory bin
We had a farm themed day with my own kids, other homeschoolers, and their parents. We needed something that was more of a sensory bin for the toddler aged kids, so we came up with this. It was...
October 25, 2022
Leah Williams

Pomme de reinette et pomme d'api
Je vous présente une composition réalisée avec une peinture faite avec des empreintes en rouge et gris avec des tampons ronds et des plaques spirales ( lacet collé en spirale sur une...
October 24, 2022

Our Year Portfolio
This year I asked my principal for 2" binders, one for each of my kindergarten students. We are using it as a year long keepsake that gets added to weekly, biweekly, or monthly ( depending on our time and schedule. I believe it will be an excellent way to show their growth and an amazing keepsake...
October 24, 2022
Bonnie Lewis

blue sky sensory tray
this is a sensory activity for toddlers which they gonna enjoy it. you can add more resources according to your needs. it's really suitable for spring them, as you can set the sensory outside...
October 23, 2022

Halloween Crafts that I love
I love this website. There are so many good crafts here. We are sure that right now your head is busy with ideas for a Halloween party, your costume, some tricks, and so on. You absolutely do not feel like writing your Halloween essay, although the topic is fascinating. Yet, even really amazing...
October 23, 2022

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