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Thematic tracings at the light table
We love to have our preschoolers trace characters, animals, items, etc. from themes we are doing and extend this excellent fine motor activity. We may have the children take their tracings to the easel and color or paint them. Other times they head to the creation station to decorate with...
May 29, 2022
Melissa Jetzer

Hello from the sped community!
Hello all! I am from Alabama and I work with children with a wide variety of different disorders and diagnoses. I am always looking for different things for the guys and ladies to do. It is important for the population that I work with to learn about a wide variety of functional skills in order...
May 28, 2022
Lara Lee Kruszewski

Things you need: Printable colorful cartoons( any hair color) Glue Scissors Transparent tape 1. You will then cut out the faces, color of your choice, making two parts of the same size. 2. You can print on the internet the patterns of faces you choose, to be able to match the faces...
May 26, 2022
Sheina Saldivar

Clothesline to teach clothes content in English
First you will need: EVA ( various colors) Glue Scissors Adhesive Velcro Permanent Pen Gift Ribbon 1. You will then cut out a square of EVA color of your choice, making two squares of...
May 26, 2022
Lunah miah

Nature Loose Parts
The children love bugs and nature. So I created a loose parts provocations where they can use their imagination and great for fine motor development. I provide 4 trays which one has fake grass, flowers, sand, and wood. The children create homes for the butterflies and bugs. The children loved it....
May 26, 2022
Charmaine Mackinnon

lesson plans for toddlers
How do you introduce a toddler to counting? Image result for counting lesson plans for toddlers One way to start is to tell your child how old he is while holding up the correct number of fingers. Then ask him to do the same. If your child is not ready to model this behavior, simply continue to...
May 25, 2022
elizabeth moreno

Butterfly themed snacks with Nutella
All kids love snacks! And our kids at preschool are no exception. So we took our plastic knives, aprons and plates and made these delicious and beautiful cookies. But before the Nutella...
May 23, 2022

Anak anak belajar mewarnai dan menulis
Hari ini anak anak saya sangat senang dengan kegiatan mewarnai yang saya ajarkan ada 3 anak usia yang berbeda dengan hasil karya yang berbeda juga Ini salah satu hasil karya anak saya yang...
May 23, 2022
Ester Rahmawati

Community helper theme- Farmers Market
Community Helper Unit- Farming/Chef theme I created a fun farmers market for our older toddlers. I “planted” fake plastic foods in the sandbox for them to dig up, then they wash/clean...
May 18, 2022
Ashleigh Gosnell

Loteria de Rutinas
primero descargar imagenes de las actividades diarias y despues formar la loteria con 9 imagenes. y asi puedes formar las cartas usando u cuadro libre y mover la imagenes en diferente orden. primero presentar la actividad con un video, despues mostrar las flasfcards que los chicos la senalen e...
May 17, 2022
cynthia Cervantes

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