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Letter h mosaics
We spent one day on each letter of the alphabet. Students learned tosign the letter and words starting with the letter in asl. We had one color page and one art activity for the letter of the day. For the letter h we mad paper mosaics using cut up pieces of construction paper. I printed both...
April 13, 2022
Tabatha dawdy

exercicios de fonoaudiologia
crianças treinando a fala no consultório de fono - faço atendimento nos postinho de saúde publica de minha cidade Palmas-TO brasil - fazendo exercícios das letras t e D, treinando...
April 12, 2022
ana carolina povoa

Spring Time! Painting with flowers
My toddler class this week learned about Spring! Each day during circle time, we read different books that related to Spring. To go along with our theme, I created various Art crafts for them...
April 10, 2022

Trabajando en equipo
Para promover el trabajo colaborativo en mis alumnos les he pedido colorear en equipos imágenes sobre la primavera para decorar nuestra aula. Las indicaciones fueron compartir el material y...
April 9, 2022
Rebeca Sanchez

Magnet Exploration in Pre-K class. Two day activity
Our class was learning about magnets. We read a few books about magnets and watched a "Brain Pop Jr. " about magnets. Each child was able to walk around the classroom and pick one item to test...
April 7, 2022
lori umbrino

Introducing geometric shapes
After introducing geometric shapes to first graders, have students walk around the room and identify different objects that are shaped as the geometric shapes that were introduced. Then, distribute sheets of blank paper and have students create a picture that contains many of the shapes that were...
April 5, 2022
Rosa McAndrew

Pupil's Performance Task
In this trying times, we are all learning from the four corners of our house. We are not able to have the traditional and normal class that we usually have. As a teacher, I have to find...
April 4, 2022

Preschool Graduation Craft
We made graduation crafts in my preschool class to celebrate my students moving onto kinder and my students moving from a 3y classroom to a 4yt out room. Due to a new work computer, I don't...
April 3, 2022
Katie Desmarais

Coloring book with your classroom
Suggestions for the start of your lessons: The beginning of your lesson is extremely important: you set the tone of your lesson and get everyone in the right frame of mind for learning English. It is also an opportunity to check homework and review previous lessons. These activities can be done...
April 2, 2022
John smith

End of the Year Keepsake
For the end of the year, I made a keepsake for each student. I had these students for 3 years so I wanted something special that would remind them of me. I was inspired by Mrs....
April 2, 2022
Sarah Chau

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