.Isabella Jones
Preschool Penguins Week
Wiz Kids Center in Brooklyn, New York, spent their week with the theme of penguins!
Penguins are incredible birds found in and around Antarctica who are flightless but swim incredibly well. There truly were penguins everywhere! Here are some highlights of the crafts and activities everyone had a stupendous time doing!
Penguin Cave
The kids loved hiding-out in ice-cave with some pretend penguins!
What We Know About Penguins
This activity involved the students putting-up little notes full of facts about penguins. As the children learned more and more about penguins throughout the week additional notes were attached!

Water Bottle Penguin Craft
To do this craft the kids used packing peanuts and craft paper along with glue to create their own penguin made-out of an empty disposable water bottle.
Penguin, "Snow Globe," Craft
For this craft, students made a penguin out of construction paper and then put it in a plastic sleeve along with, "Snow," that they then could blow with a straw to make it all move around--just like a snow globe!
Construction Paper Penguins
Another craft that involved making penguins out of construction paper, but a bit more circular in shape!
Handprint Penguins
These penguins are extra-special because they are made out of handprints traced by the students and then cut out with cotton glued-on too so it looked like snow!
P is for Penguin
Making a penguin out of the letter, "P," was the goal of this craft, and all the little ones excelled at it!
I'm a Little Penguin
It was adorable to see all the students poke their heads out of this penguin display so that they could look like little penguins themselves!
Such a Fun Week!
At Wiz Kids it was a lot of fun doing all these activities and crafts involving penguins!
Wiz Kids Center
Brooklyn, New York