Pumpkin Patch Roll and Cover Game
This is fun game, perfect for a Fall or harvesting theme - Pumpkin patch roll & cover! Build number sense and increase fact fluency with this fun and easy to play game!
Number 1-6
Roll 1 die. Cover the pumpkin with that number. Cover all!
Directions: Roll 1 die. Count the total number and cover a space below
with that number. If there are no open spaces with that number, you
lose your turn and the next player goes. Play continues until the board
is covered. The player with the most spaces covered wins.

Number 2-12
Roll 2 dice, get the sum. Cover the pumpkin with that number. Cover all!
Directions: Roll 2 dice. Count the total number and cover a space
below with that number. If there are no open spaces with that number,
you lose your turn and the next player goes. Play continues until the
board is covered. The player with the most spaces covered wins.

Number bonds to 10
Directions: Roll 1 or2 dice. Count the total number and cover a space below with the number that would make ten.
For example, if you roll and 3 and a 4, your total is 7. You would then cover 3 because 7 and 3 make ten. If there are no open spaces (or you roll 11 or 12, you lose your turn and the next player goes. Play continues until the board is covered. The player with the most spaces covered wins.

Number bonds to 20
Directions: Roll 2 dice. Count the total number and cover a space below with the number that would make twenty.
For example, if you roll and 3 and a 4, your total is 7. You would then cover 13 because 7 and 13 make twenty. If there are no open spaces, you lose your turn and the next player goes. Play continues until the board is covered. The player with the most spaces covered wins.

How to Download These Files
The file package with these printables can be downloaded for free! Just click here to learn more.
Also, you can purchase the sheets at this website