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"The Giving Tree," Activities

Olivia Johnson
"The Giving Tree," Activities

"The Giving Tree," Activities

Students at Discovery Isle in Oceanside read the wonderful book, "The Giving Tree," by Shel Silverstein and then proceeded to do activities related to it! The Intermediate-level class spent the rest of the week doing these activities to learn about the importance of pure love and the generosity represented by the Giving Tree.

One of the activities took place during circle time; during circle time the students shared with their teacher, Mr. Josh, about one thing they are grateful for having in their lives. The students also used paint and their hand-prints to create an image of a Giving Tree made-up of each of their unique hands as the leaves.

Also, the students all collaborated to create their own Giving Tree out of various materials which they were then later able to enjoy lying under during the time of day for Dramatic Play! All of the activities tied together well with, "The Giving Tree," and students loved it!

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"The Giving Tree," Activities
November 24, 2019
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