Trying a Rainbow of Foods
At Virginia Preschool they had a fantastic time learning about healthy bodies and healthy lifestyles. As a part of this, they tried a, "Rainbow," of foods. They sampled different vegetables of unique colors and wrote down what they thought of them. It was a stellar way to develop writing skills and encourage curiosity about healthy foods.
The rainbow of foods
The rainbow of foods had the children sampling some carrot, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, and beetroot. They tasted each item and then wrote down if they thought it was yummy and delicious, or yucky and gross. It was a fantastic way to learn about unique and healthy foods while also developing writing skills. The children said how they looked forward to eating some of the vegetables again in the future. It should be noted that some of the vegetables were actually grown in the school garden of Virginia Preschool, something you can do at your own school as well!
Source for photos: Virginia Preschool
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