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.Isabella Jones

Author: .Isabella Jones
Posts: 39
Rating: 2. Votes: 2
Cardboard Box City
A box left over from a recent couch delivery makes the perfect base for a city for the children to explore and a great way to Reuse the box! Add some road tape,...
Added: October 16, 2019

Fire Safety Activities for Preschoolers
Our Pre-K class was all about fire safety this past week. We learned what you have to do if there is a fire and what happens if there is a fire. We also...
Added: October 13, 2019

Firefighter Physical Fitness, "Test," For Preschoolers
For all your preschoolers who want to be firefighters-in-training these assorted challenges as part of a physical fitness, "Test, " are a great way to...
Added: October 10, 2019

Very Simple Abstract Painting for Kids
Abstract art is a kind of art which often does not look realistic, but is representative of the World via shapes, colors, forms, and interesting textures. With...
Added: October 6, 2019

Frogs Activities for Preschoolers
Frogs are fascinating amphibians. They can jump on land, swim in the water, and love to eat bugs. Alleluia Preschool & Kindergarten in Elkhorn, Nebraska ( www....
Added: October 5, 2019

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