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Lorax-Themed Craft for Dr. Seuss's Birthday

Lorax-Themed Craft for Dr. Seuss's Birthday

Lorax-Themed Craft for Dr. Seuss's Birthday

Dr. Seuss was born today, March 2nd, back in 1904. In honor of his birthday, they did a fun craft at Majestic Harbor Children's Center which was themed for, "The Lorax." The students made their own Loraxes out of orange paper plates, construction paper, and googly eyes!

How the Lorax was made

To make their Loraxes the children first painted their paper plates orange. If you do this craft you can use a paper plate that is already orange or, if you don't mind some messiness, paint white paper plates yourself! The kiddos then used yellow construction paper that they cut-up and paste onto the plate to make eyebrows and a mustache for the Lorax. Lastly, they glued some googly eyes onto the Lorax and it was complete! Their Loraxes all looked so great!

Source for photos: Majestic Harbor Children's Center

Lorax-Themed Craft for Dr. Seuss's Birthday
March 3, 2021
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