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1120 days back

With us since:
January 21, 2021
Publications: 2
Comments: 6
Marcy Wilson
Marble painting
We used a big sheet of paper on the floor to help make clean up easier. Lots of shaving cream on the paper. Add a few drops of paint on the shaving cream. The kids used pop cycle sticks to mix the cream and paint to make different colors. We took a white piece of construction paper and layer...


Ice cube painting
I froze water colored with food coloring in ice cube trays. You can add a little flour for more opaque colors. I used freezer sticks from my house because I thought it would be easier for kids to hold. I was wrong after a little melting the sticks slipped out very easily. We just...


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«Rising Star»

«Rising Star»Rising Star Medal. Awarded for user rating over 100.
March 16, 2021

«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
January 22, 2021