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796 days back

With us since:
July 7, 2021
Publications: 2
Comments: 1
Floating Paperclip Experiment
Objective: To introduce children to the concept of surface tension of water and how it allows certain objects to float. Activity: The teacher and children start by discussing their previous experiences with objects floating on water, such as insects. The teacher demonstrates by taking a...


Lesson Plan: Tornado in a Bottle
Objectives: 1. To introduce students to the causes of tornadoes and what causes tornadoes. 2. To allow students to practice basic scientific processes. 3. To promote the development of all four aspects in students. Activities: ( Summarize the content that demonstrates how students have...


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«Turquoise flower»

«Turquoise flower»Medal «Turquoise flower». Awarded for the first publication.
July 7, 2021